Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ratatouille - Rat-a-too-eee

No! I did not read comments about the movie before I actually went to watch it. It just seemed like a technically well-made movie and the concept of a rat wanting to be a chef simply thrilled me.

What I learnt from the movie :
1.Ratatouille is the name of a peasant dish and not a land where rats live!
2.Don't dwell on the past if you want to get ahead (you may be a rat, but if you aspire for bigger things - well go get them)
3.August Gusteau says "Anyone can cook :)"......and so ....why not Pari!
4.Oaky nutty taste when combined with a tangy one can mean 'yum'
5.An illicit affair with a chef can land your little one a restaurant ;)

Although the movie is an animation, Paris still looked beautiful.....

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