An insightful and touching movie about the civil strife in South Africa. The war between the Tutsis and Huttus. The key protagonist is the manager of Hotel Rwanda (who belongs to the Huttu sect), his wife (who belongs to the Tutsi sect) and their 3 children. The whole town is in a blaze, while the Manager provides refuge to the refugees, largely Tutsis since the news outbreak that the Tutsi rebels have killed the Huttu President who was trying to bring about peace between the 2 sects. At Hotel Rwanda, life is not easy, with no intervention from the Americas or Europe to bring about peace in the state. Instead there is a small batch of UN peace keepers who is working hard to prevent any more casualities.
This one is definitely worth a deko, since it takes a close look at corruption & inequalities withint the black state indifference on part of the White world who consider the South Africans a class below the negres!
A case in point to prove how internal differences donot allow the underdeveloped countries to progress.
This one is definitely worth a deko, since it takes a close look at corruption & inequalities withint the black state indifference on part of the White world who consider the South Africans a class below the negres!
A case in point to prove how internal differences donot allow the underdeveloped countries to progress.